Monday, March 26, 2012

Sweet Sweet Emma!

Can't believe it's been almost an entire month since blogging!!  So much has let's focus today's blog on Emma....after all....this blog is named after her right?

Sweet Sweet Emma!  This past week Emma has had Derek and I wrapped around her bandaged little paw.  We have done nothing put spoil our injured puppy!  I guess I should let you know what happened.... 

Emma loves water of any kind,  I'm pretty sure she has webbed feet and maybe some gills.  Any time we are near water it is all she can do to stay away.  So, as usual we were playing fetch in the pond by our house.  I was throwing her favorite stick and she was bringing it back to me.  All of a sudden I noticed she was bleeding.  Immediately, I was sick to my stomach...Emma on the other hand was just as happy as she could be.  She did a great job slicing her foot open while playing.  I flagged down Derek and he checked her out and here we go off to the Doggy ER.  They stitched her up and gave her a pretty sweet bandage and sent us on our merry way with a hefty price tag.  But of course it was all worth it.  All week Emma has had her every need catered to.  She has eaten way too much people food, slept on the bed, and even got a new toy.  I'd say Derek and I are whipped!

On the way to the ER

Sweet Bandage you got there!

Hope I get some free time this week...because I AM SUPER excited about my next weekly rundown!!  


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It's March Already....

I can't believe it's March already.  Seems like just yesterday I started this blog.  Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.  Fun stuff in this week's rundown!  

1.  LOVE LOVE LOVE Clean Sheet Day!  I was lucky enough to have the day off and was able to do some things around the house, washing our sheets was one of the things I accomplished.  I don't know about you, but there is something about fresh washed sheets that just does a body good.  I can't wait to get in bed tonight and feel their deliciousness ;)  I wish I had time to make every day clean sheet day!  It's the little things that make life wonderful!

2.  Mellow Mushroom...ahhhh-mazing!  Many of you know, I went to college at the WONDERFUL ASU and it was there I discovered my love of Mellow Mushroom.  If you've never heard of it you are MISSING out.  It's a pizza place like you wouldn't believe.  Derek and I have just discovered a new one not too far from us.  NOT GOOD....we have already been twice.  If you are near one in the next few days, drop what you are doing and try some of their wonderful parmesan and garlic fresh pretzels and pizza!  Your mouth will thank you I promise.

3.  You need to try!  I had a friend tell me about this website and now I'm sharing!  If you love pictures like I do, you will love this website.  For Valentine's Day, I knew I wanted to do something special for Derek so I used this website to design him a photobook of our honeymoon.  It is great!  I was able to customize it just like I wanted and the quality was wonderful.  I was also shocked on how fast it got here.  It's easy to use and very reasonable.  Sign up for their emails and you will get some awesome deals! 

4.  LOVE TI!  Topsail Island, or as I like to refer to as TI, has to be my most favorite place in the world.  It's a small island just north of Wilmington, NC that isn't as commercialized as the other NC beaches.  I have been going there since before I can remember.  It's my small piece of heaven.  I love taking the boat out with the family and parking at a sandbar to enjoy the day with my hat, shades, beach chair, and my kindle.  Warm weather is almost here and I can already smell the Topsail air!!  Hopefully, we can get down there in the next few weeks.
Emma loves the TI too!

5.  I'm going to be an AUNT soon and I love him already!!  Towards the end of June, Derek and I will become Aunt and Uncle again.  My sister-in-law has been sending me weekly belly pictures!  We are super excited.   I've started helping plan the baby shower only to find TONS of cute baby stuff.  I'm in charge of invites and some decorations for a barnyard theme.  This is going to be fun!  

Sunday, February 26, 2012

29 years.....WHOA!

This blog is for my Mommy & Daddy!  

Today is my Mom & Dad's 29th Anniversary...HOLY COW!  I have no idea how they have put up with each other all those years.  AND I have no idea how they managed to raise 3 daughters during that time that turned out OK ;)  All joking aside, they have shown me a wonderful example of marriage.  They have stuck together through thick and thin and loved us girls and each other every step of the way.  Thank you mom and dad for all you have done for me and all you continue to do.  I'm not sure where I would be without you.  It is my hope and prayer that my family and marriage turns out like yours.  I can't wait for the next 29 years!  I love you both....Ash

Aren't they cute?


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Did you miss me?

Excuses...excuses!  That's all I ever give to make me feel better about not blogging.  I've let my loyal followers down again.  This time we had a pretty big problems.  With that said...I'll begin my weekly rundown!

1.  LOVE our new MacBook Pro.  Derek and I have known for quite a while that we needed a new computer and we have just put it off.  Luckily, Santa brought us a few Best Buy gift cards because he also knew we needed to make a purchase.  After lots of research, we decided on the MacBook.  So far we just adore it.  Maybe we adore it because it actually was funny to watch us turn on the old computer with our fingers crossed praying it would work!  

2.  Lunch with one of my oldest and dearest friends makes my happy!  This past weekend, I had the pleasure of having lunch with my Janice.  We have been friends since I can remember.  Growing up we lived about a mile from each other and our parents bought us two-way radios so we wouldn't keep the phone line busy....those were the days.  As we have grown older, we don't see each other as much, but when we do it's just like old times.  I feel like we could talk for hours about anything and everything.  I wish we could still have slumber parties like we used to and stay up all night gossiping and laughing.  For now, lunch will do.  Thanks for being my best buddy are a wonderful mom, wife, and friend!

3.  I love NASCAR...just kidding!  As I'm sitting here blogging, my dear husband is watching Nascar.  Which only reminds me that for the next couple months, my Sundays will involve some sort of Nascar.  I'm not going to lie, the sport is sort of growing on me.  Before Derek, I never watched racing, and since we have been together it has grown on me.  We went to a race a few years ago and believe or not it was very fun.  So for the next few Sunday's I will be looking forward to the very beginning of the race to hear Darryl Waltrip say "BOOGITY BOOGITY....Let's go Racin' Boys!"  HAHAHA!

4.  LOVE Broadway shows!  A few years ago, I went to New York with some friends and saw my first Broadway Musical, "The Lion King."  It was AMAZING.  I'm not the type of person that enjoys musicals, but this was great.  Everyone needs to go experience it at least one time.  While in New York we wanted to see "Wicked," and of course it was sold out.  I got super excited when I found out it was coming to Durham this summer, and even more excited when Derek got me tickets for Valentine's Day (isn't he sweet).

5.  LOVE GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!  It's that time of the year again!  Time for those cute little girls to sell those wonderful little cookies.  Derek came home with a box, and my eyes lit up like it was Christmas.  Truth be told, I teared up a little I was so excited!  My favorite is the Caramel Delights. That yummy cookie surrounded by caramel and little bits of coconut, dunked and drizzled in chocolate....absolute heaven.  


Monday, February 6, 2012

Will you be my Valentine?

So...I've been MIA for the past few weeks and I apologize!  I was lucky enough to be able to spend some time in Sunny California.  It was a work trip, but I did get to enjoy some California sun.  I can't wait to share some about the trip!  BUT FIRST...I Love Valentine's Day!  I can't let another day go by without sharing my love of this LOVEly holiday!  Today's weekly rundown is brought to you by none other than cupid himself!

1.  I love Krispy Kreme's Valentine Doughnuts!  I love Krispy Kreme period, but when you pair the goodness of fried dough with chocolate and valentine sprinkles...DING DING DING...We have a winner!  This past Saturday, Derek and I were drawn to the KK by the red neon "Fresh Hot Now!"  My face absolutely lit up when I saw the Valentine doughnuts and Derek knew we couldn't leave without one.  So my is my Valentine doughnut!  Now, do yourself a favor and go grab you a couple!

2.  I love Chocolate and Flowers!  When I think of Valentine's Day, I think about chocolate and flowers of all sorts.  Maybe it's the commercials or all the hearts in the stores.  My favorite is dark chocolate of any kind.  There is just something about it that makes my heart smile.  So fella's go grab you sweetie some sweet chocolate, she will love you forever.  One of my most favorite Valentine's memories was when I was in college and involved flowers.  I was having a rough few weeks and on Valentine's I got the sweetest surprise from my parents all the way in Boone.  My mom had the most beautiful flowers sent to me which made me feel like the most special girl in the world.  Flowers can brighten anyone's day, not just on Valentine's Day!

3.  I love decorating with Conversation Hearts!  Every year my mom does this fancy little decorating with conversation hearts.  She fills a clear vase with the candy and places a candle inside.  It's so simple, but super cute.
4.  I love Sophie Kinsella!  I'm a girl, and I love girly, sappy, easy to read books.  One of my favorite authors when I'm looking for a light read is Sophie Kinsella.  She wrote the "Shopaholic" series.  So far my favorite book by her would have to be "The Undomestic Goddess."   This Valentine's Day, her NEW book comes out and I am super excited!  The title of her new book is "I've Got Your Number."  I will be downloading this to my kindle!

5.  I love my sweetheart!  I know....another sappy post, but it's Valentine's day so it's ok right?  I'm blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life (who does my laundry on Saturday while I'm at work).  I am super excited about my gift for Derek this year!  I absolutely can't wait to give it to him....I just hope it loves it as much as me.  I'll share with you what it is in a few days!

Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello!  It's my first blog of 2012....and I'm pretty excited about it.  Sorry I haven't done it sooner, but Derek and I have been traveling a little, spending a little extra time with friends, and of course work.  I'm excited about today's blog because I've decided for the first time in A LONG TIME to make some New Year's Resolutions.  Maybe by blogging about them I will stay on track and keep you updated along the way.  So far, 2012 for us has been pretty good, and we have lots to look forward to.  One thing in particular that we are looking forward to is becoming an Aunt and Uncle to a bouncing baby boy (Congrats to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law). we go, My 2012 Resolutions!

1.  Keep Blogging!
2.  Read at least 5 books.  Hopefully more, but for now....lets not over do it ;)
3.  Experiment with new recipes.  I made homemade chocolate chip cookies last week for the first time ever.
4.  Start Daily Devotionals!  I downloaded "Jesus Calling" on the Kindle and so far it is ok, any suggestions are welcome.
5.  Run in a 5k!  (Briskly jog at least) 
6.  Try not to gain any weight.  I would LOVE to loose weight but lets be honest here, easier said than done.
7.  Do better about letting people know how much I care about them.  Life is short, I don't want any regrets.
8.  Send more cards just because!  I know it makes me smile, so why not make others smile!
9.  Spend more time with my grandmas!  They are amazing, and I want to learn everything I can from them.
10.  Learn more about football.  Derek loves football and if he is watching a game, I have to ask about everything.  So I'll try to learn more and give him a break.
11.  Try not to loose as many socks!  I'm serious, I have about 20 socks right now with NO does that happen?
12.  Go to the beach more!  Last year we were wedding planning and didn't have a lot of extra time, this year we WILL make up for it!  After all, the TI is my favorite place in the world.
13.  Find a new hobby.  Maybe crocheting, photography, sewing, crafting...we shall see!
14.  Make our first year of marriage amazing!


What are your resolutions?