Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello!  It's my first blog of 2012....and I'm pretty excited about it.  Sorry I haven't done it sooner, but Derek and I have been traveling a little, spending a little extra time with friends, and of course work.  I'm excited about today's blog because I've decided for the first time in A LONG TIME to make some New Year's Resolutions.  Maybe by blogging about them I will stay on track and keep you updated along the way.  So far, 2012 for us has been pretty good, and we have lots to look forward to.  One thing in particular that we are looking forward to is becoming an Aunt and Uncle to a bouncing baby boy (Congrats to my brother-in-law and sister-in-law).  

So...here we go, My 2012 Resolutions!

1.  Keep Blogging!
2.  Read at least 5 books.  Hopefully more, but for now....lets not over do it ;)
3.  Experiment with new recipes.  I made homemade chocolate chip cookies last week for the first time ever.
4.  Start Daily Devotionals!  I downloaded "Jesus Calling" on the Kindle and so far it is ok, any suggestions are welcome.
5.  Run in a 5k!  (Briskly jog at least) 
6.  Try not to gain any weight.  I would LOVE to loose weight but lets be honest here, easier said than done.
7.  Do better about letting people know how much I care about them.  Life is short, I don't want any regrets.
8.  Send more cards just because!  I know it makes me smile, so why not make others smile!
9.  Spend more time with my grandmas!  They are amazing, and I want to learn everything I can from them.
10.  Learn more about football.  Derek loves football and if he is watching a game, I have to ask about everything.  So I'll try to learn more and give him a break.
11.  Try not to loose as many socks!  I'm serious, I have about 20 socks right now with NO matches...how does that happen?
12.  Go to the beach more!  Last year we were wedding planning and didn't have a lot of extra time, this year we WILL make up for it!  After all, the TI is my favorite place in the world.
13.  Find a new hobby.  Maybe crocheting, photography, sewing, crafting...we shall see!
14.  Make our first year of marriage amazing!


What are your resolutions?