Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday Five....Halloween Edition

Ok guys, here is my second try at the FRIDAY FIVE!  This weeks Friday Five is going to be dedicated mostly to Halloween :)

1. Love this Halloween idea!  Everyone says you turn into your mom when you get older, and with each passing day I can tell you that it is TRUE (which I don't mind one bit).  My mom is an entertainer she loves planning parties and decorating for EVERY holiday even when we were kids.  So lately, I find myself scoping the internet for entertaining ideas.  I stumbled across this one from Martha Stewart.  I can't wait to host a little "gathering" and try this out!!  It's so easy and so fun.  Just a pumpkin and some ice, who would have thought!

2.  Georgetown cupcake = LOVE.  If you are like me, you get easily addicted to TLC shows.  One of my recent addictions was DC Cupcakes.  Lucky for us, Derek's brother and his wife lives in DC....which means (drum roll please) DC CUPCAKES FOR ME!!  Let me tell you, these cupcakes are amazing.  We try to get a dozen each time we visit.  They always do a "special" holiday dozen, so this is their super cute Halloween edition.  Next time you go to DC check this place out, you won't be disappointed.

3.  I love Corn Mazes, and Haunted ones too.  If you've never tried visiting a corn maze you should.  They are very fun and a little scary too.  They remind me so much of fall.  We have a corn maze near our house, and next weekend they are having a "pet" know what that means!!!  MISS EMMA will be going to her first corn maze.  She is SO excited, I can't wait to share how it goes.

4.  I love my husband....I know what your thinking...oh no not some mushy post.  Sorry, but I do love my husband.  Tuesday makes an entire month since we've been married and we are enjoying every minute of married life.  Derek always makes me laugh and this picture makes me smile every time I see in honor of Halloween check out our costumes...haha!

 5.  Pizza Night at Nanny's is love!  This Friday Five is not Halloween BUT it's pretty important.  My grandma is a baker and a great one at that.  About a year ago she experimented with her very own pizza.  Her pizza consists of a home-made crust and freshly grated mozzarella.  Can I just say WOW!  Ever since then we try and have pizza night every few weeks.  Last night was pizza night and I went over early to try to pick up some pointers for Nan on how to make my very own pizza (per Derek's request)  Thanks Nanny for the pointers....I love you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Friday Five...Featuring the Birthday Girl!

One of my goals of this blog is to give you weekly the Friday Five, I got the idea from the one and only Rachel Ray (my fav).  My hope for the Friday Five is to share with you some of the things I absolutely love and can't live without.  So without further is my FIRST Friday Five!

1.  I love Pumpkins....One of my most favorite things about fall are pumpkins.  They are so bright and happy and just plain out make me smile.  Hopefully before too long, Derek and I can carve our own and we can share with you!

2.  I love Appalachian State University...I am beyond excited for the weekend.  It is homecoming weekend at my Alma mater.  I was so lucky to be able to go to school in the beautiful NC Mountains.  This weekend is extra special, because all of my favorite people will be in the same place for an entire weekend for some fun, football, tailgating, and remembering college days.  

3.  I love my Holland Companion Grill...Last year for my birthday, my parents bought me a travel Holland grill. Derek and I try to be avid tailgaters as much as possible and this is the perfect addition to our tailgate extravaganza!  "Holland," as I call her, will be attending homecoming with us this weekend.

4.  I love afternoons with Emma...As soon as Derek and I got back from our honeymoon, we moved Emma from Derek's parents house to our house.  As soon as I get home from work, I see our little girl smiling as I drive in the driveway.  She is so excited her whole body goes crazy and I just laugh.  We then spend the next half hour or so playing fetch, or going on a walk, or just hanging out in the sunshine.  I didn't realize it until now, but she is the perfect stress reliever.

  5.  I saved the best for last...I LOVE my baby sister (and my middle sister too).  This past week, the family celebrated a big event.  My baby sister turned 18.  It seems like just yesterday when Laura-Beth and I took the trip up to Raleigh with Nanny to see this new baby that was coming to live with us.  I was beyond excited, Laura on the other had was a little disappointed when she realized we weren't getting a puppy!  Erin has grown into a beautiful young lady and I can't wait to see what her future holds.  So this blog is for you Erin....Happy Birthday :) Derek and I love you!

Photo Credit Swank Photography

Monday, October 17, 2011

State Fair = Love

My favorite season of the year has to be fall for many reasons.  One reason in particular is the NC State Fair.  This weekend, Derek and I decided to venture to the fair along with every other person in North Carolina.  I guess I should begin with what we that the wedding is over, I let myself splurge on fried goodness.

1)  Mt. Olive Pickles
2)  Al's French me, these aren't your average fry
3)  Homemade fudge...which tastes JUST like my Nanny's
4)  Corn on the cob...smothered in butter
5)  Maple Cotton candy...also known as Clouds from heaven
6)  Polish Sausage...layered with peppers and onions
7)  Steak Sandwich
8) NC State Ice Cream...too yummy for words

...I'm sure I've missed something, but I think you get the picture.

Derek and THE Corn

Every year the fair prides itself in having something new and inventive that is fried (as if the fired oreos and cookie dough isn't enough)  This year the hot new fried item was Fried Kool-aid and Fried Bubblegum.  Don't get me wrong, Derek and I LOVE trying new things, but this was a little much for us.  So if any of you tried these you'll have to let us know.

One of my favorite parts of the fair is the garden section ( will learn that I really enjoy gardening, who would have thought).  I discovered something totally unique and cool that I would love to try to make on my own.  It is a bird feeder made from recycled lamps.  I know it is hard to imagine so I'll post a picture.  This new project will now be on my bucket list.
She has an Etsy shop!

Overall, even through the massive amount people, we had a great day.  On the way home, we stopped at PetSmart and bought Emma some new bones that I am currently watching her demolish as I type.

SO, I guess the moral of this story is GO TO THE FAIR and eat some Fried Goodness you won't be disappointed.

Isn't he cute? 
Top of Ferris Wheel

Derek's Photography Skills

Friday, October 14, 2011

Introducing the Stevens'

I've been obsessed lately with blogs....I LOVE finding good ones and learning about all the interesting things out there and fun things going on in different people's lives.  I've been telling my husband, Derek, that I wanted to start one just to chronicle our lives as newlyweds and keep our family updated in the craziness of our life.  

SO....I'll start my first blog with a little background on "Our Life with Emma!"  

We are Ashley & Derek.  We met in high school years ago but it wasn't until after college and after our careers started that we "re-met" and made new first impressions.  We went on our first date in June of 2009 and have been together ever since. We were married on October 1st of this year in a beautiful and perfect ceremony at a vineyard in Pine Level surrounded by our amazing family and friends.  (I'll share more about that event on a later date.)

(Can you tell Derek is an ECU Pirate fan?)
During our first year of dating, Derek decided he needed a companion and that is where Emma (or as the AKC knows her as "Derek's Miss Emma Belle) comes into the picture.  Emma is a sweet 90lb yellow lab who still thinks she is a 20lb puppy.  She has the greatest personality and everyday she surprises us with new tricks, new disasters, and makes us complete as we start our family.  So....this blog is dedicated to Miss Emma Belle :)

Emma's First Week at Home 
Our "Little" Girl