Monday, October 17, 2011

State Fair = Love

My favorite season of the year has to be fall for many reasons.  One reason in particular is the NC State Fair.  This weekend, Derek and I decided to venture to the fair along with every other person in North Carolina.  I guess I should begin with what we that the wedding is over, I let myself splurge on fried goodness.

1)  Mt. Olive Pickles
2)  Al's French me, these aren't your average fry
3)  Homemade fudge...which tastes JUST like my Nanny's
4)  Corn on the cob...smothered in butter
5)  Maple Cotton candy...also known as Clouds from heaven
6)  Polish Sausage...layered with peppers and onions
7)  Steak Sandwich
8) NC State Ice Cream...too yummy for words

...I'm sure I've missed something, but I think you get the picture.

Derek and THE Corn

Every year the fair prides itself in having something new and inventive that is fried (as if the fired oreos and cookie dough isn't enough)  This year the hot new fried item was Fried Kool-aid and Fried Bubblegum.  Don't get me wrong, Derek and I LOVE trying new things, but this was a little much for us.  So if any of you tried these you'll have to let us know.

One of my favorite parts of the fair is the garden section ( will learn that I really enjoy gardening, who would have thought).  I discovered something totally unique and cool that I would love to try to make on my own.  It is a bird feeder made from recycled lamps.  I know it is hard to imagine so I'll post a picture.  This new project will now be on my bucket list.
She has an Etsy shop!

Overall, even through the massive amount people, we had a great day.  On the way home, we stopped at PetSmart and bought Emma some new bones that I am currently watching her demolish as I type.

SO, I guess the moral of this story is GO TO THE FAIR and eat some Fried Goodness you won't be disappointed.

Isn't he cute? 
Top of Ferris Wheel

Derek's Photography Skills

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