Friday, December 9, 2011

Ho Ho Ho Edition of the Rundown

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!"  Of course you don't think I would let it get this close to Christmas without a Christmas version of the Weekly Rundown.....Here we go!

1.  I have a new found love...Trivia Night (at McKinley's).  Before Derek and I started dating, he and a few of his friends would go to this local bar and play Trivia.  I had no clue what that meant, nor did I understand how entertaining it was.  After I joined the land of the living, and got on a shift at work other than 2nd...Derek introduced me to Trivia Night.  It's a lot of fun, and you actually learn a lot.  I do however apologize to the team (who apparently are avid blog readers) for being a weak link.  Even with the help of the daily Trivia app on my phone, I still struggle.  The bar where it is hosted actually has great food...last night at they had an AMAZING warm Cinnamon cake served with yummy vanilla ice cream.  Now that I think about it, maybe I like the food more than Trivia....hmm

2. I love Christmas movies....and my Christmas isn't complete with out National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  If you want a good laugh and to get in the Christmas this movie.  It is absolutely hilarious   You will probably walk around the house (like my husband) randomly shouting "Joy to the World!" This probably is my favorite quote of the movie :

Clark: Hey, Kids, I heard on the news that an airline pilot spotted Santa's sleigh on its way in from New York City. 
Eddie:You serious, Clark? 


3.  Love my Daddy and Christmas parades! First of all...I'll start by mentioning I have the best daddy in the world.  For that past couple of years my dad has been in charge of the annual Newton Grove Christmas parade.  This year by far was one of the best yet.  And I'm also the luckiest girl in the world because my Dad knows SANTA.  It's like I have a direct line to the ole Mr. Claus himself.  I even have a picture to prove it.

Dad giving Santa a lift!

4.  Love this Decorating Idea...I'm really not sure what happened, I'm actually having a hard time coming to terms with it, but ever since I got married I have turned into a little Martha Stewart.  I'm always looking for new crafts and decorating tips.  Just last weekend I made two wreaths, and the looked pretty darn good.  I saw this idea on tv the other night and hopefully I can try it out before Christmas.  It's so simple, just a glass vase and some ornaments, and it's just too cute and classy. 

Candy...Oh My
5.  My heart belongs to the Meadow Lights :)  This year marks my 27th Christmas, and every year for the past 27 years I have gone to witness the glorious Meadow Lights, and each year it gets better and better.  Derek and I are fortunate enough to live only about 5 miles away...which means we have been 5 times already this year and it's not even Christmas!  If you've never been, it's a huge attraction of lights, with a country store full of old fashioned candy, train rides, and a carousel.  I actually made Derek take me tonight so I could get some "blog" material.  I didn't have to twist his arm....he was out of Chocolate Covered Peanuts ;)

How Pretty!



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