Friday, November 11, 2011

YAY....Friday Five 11-11-11 Edition

First off, I'd like to apologize for missing last week's Friday Five.  Sometimes life just gets in the way, don't you hate that.  SO here is my 11-11-11 edition of the Friday Five!  You know I wouldn't miss posting on 11-11-11!

1.  Love holidays, but especially this Holiday!  Today is Veteran's day, a very special holiday to a lot of people.  To be completely honest, for me it carries as much meaning as Christmas and Easter.  As we all know, this is a day to show our appreciation to the men and women who are serving or have served in our military.  I can't thank each of you enough, because of you I have the freedom to live a wonderful life.  I was very lucky to have a grandfather who served and I have cousin who is overseas serving our country this very moment.  (Special thank you to you Stephanie if you're reading this)

2.  Christmas music is love!  November 1st marks the day I start playing Christmas music ;)  Almost everyday since then I enjoy a few carols on the way home from work.  My MOST favorite holiday CD is NSYNC's Christmas.  Go ahead and's ok but I'm still going to rock this CD.  Listen to it, you will Smile.  Many of you may not know that my husband is a singer and he is pretty darn good.  It always makes me smile when he does his on rendition on Elvis' "Blue Christmas" and Dolly Parton's "Hard Candy Christmas."  (Just imagine, haha)

3.  I absolutely love  As I was planning our wedding, I discovered Etsy.  If you've never heard of it...STOP what you are doing and go there now.  Etsy is a website that allows people to post and sell things.  However, most of the things are handmade by everyday people like you and me.  I was just browsing etsy to see what cool things I could find.  So I'll share this with you, I bought this really cool garter to wear on my wedding day and the seller was great!  Here is her shop's website

4.  Love scarves!  Cooler weather is finally here to stay I do believe.  So in order to stay warm and look stylish too, I like to dress everything I wear up with a fun and funky scarf.  I have way too many in probably every color.

5.  Love fall leaves!  A few weeks ago, Derek and I took a trip to Boone, NC to visit old friend for AppState's homecoming.  Just so happens it was during the "peak" of the leaves changing colors.  It was breathtaking.  We took a little drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway and took some amazing photos and we also were surrounded by beautiful leaves at he football game.  The leaves where we live are beginning to be very pretty too, so go stand outside and stare at some leaves, I guarantee you'll smile.

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