Monday, November 21, 2011

The New and Improved Friday known as the Weekly Rundown

I've been a bad blogger...I apologize.  Things have been a little busy in the Stevens' household...and I'm an old woman who goes to bed by 9.  I have decided to change the blog up just a little!  Friday's turn out to be pretty busy most weeks, so instead of having the Friday Five,  I'm going to make it the "Weekly Rundown,"  same concept (five things I can't live without) just not only on Fridays.  SO for this weeks you go...(drum roll please)

1.  I LOVE the fact that I actually have people that read our blog...AND WANT MORE.  You don't know how much that makes me smile.  At least once a day, I have someone come up and ask me "Hey Ash, when are you blogging again" or "You have got to blog about that!"  So a big thank you to all my readers.  I hope I don't disappoint you!
2.  I've been blogging for a little over a month now, so I think it's time I share with you something that I absolutely can't live without.  Many of you who read this know I'm a big kid at heart.  So I feel very sorry for Derek when we ever decide to have a child because I'm sure I'll be a bigger kid than them.  BUT without further ado...I LOVE SPRINKLES.  Don't ask me why, but I can't live without them.  I tell everyone they are just little bits of sunshine.  I don't even want ice cream without them. So promise me, next time you order ice cream,  you'll get sprinkles, better yet do like me and go for extra sprinkles!  (FYI one layer of our wedding cake had sprinkles baked in and the cream cheese icing also had sprinkles, hah!)

3.  Thanksgiving with my sweet family is love! YAY...Thursday is Thanksgiving and I couldn't be more excited!  I have an amazing family and lucky for me they cook some of the best food in the world.  I wish I could say it was because I'm partial to their cooking....but the simple fact of the matter is, it really is some of the best food ever.  So please be jealous!  This year is our first thanksgiving as a married couple which means more excitement and more stops throughout the day.  I am thrilled!

4.  Derek and I have an unhealthy Love for Swamp People on TLC.  If you've never tuned it, you must.  This TLC show chronicles the life of alligator hunters in Louisiana.  It is amazing and hillarious.  The hunters are true characters.  As I blog, we are watching the "Swampsgiving" Special!  "Choot him Clint...Choot him!

MaryMe Photography
5.  You're going to love this one just like me!  I Love Mary Me Photography.  This past week we got the proofs back from our Wedding and I just can't stop looking at them.  That is one of the main reasons I haven't posted, I've been too amazed by all the beautiful pictures.  Mary Me Photography is a must consider if you are getting married.  Mary (the owner) is amazing and her attention to every single detail is amazing.  She also is just a fun and sweet person to be around and so is her assistant Sarah.  I couldn't imagine our special day without her.  Check out her website you will love her as much as I do.  I don't have any digital copies yet of the wedding, but here are a few wonderful bridal portraits to get you through.  P.S.  Hair and Make-up by the amazing Jamie O'Branovich and Flowers by the awesome Jeffrey Surles :)

MaryMe Photography

MaryMe Photography

MaryMe Photography

MaryMe Photography

MaryMe Photography

STAY TUNED!! Derek and I have a big announcement coming up on the blog! It's not what your thinking ;)  AND a few new recipes you have been asking about!

1 comment:

  1. Love it as always! I can't wait to read next weeks entry! Love you!
